Global partner to the beverage industry

Best support for you

Our machines and systems are used successfully all over the world. For many decades. In many large, medium-sized and small production companies in the beverage market.

Pütz Group – reliable service – worldwide

Intensive training of your professionals in Germany during the running-in period is essential to ensure production operation. We are there for you during the installation and commissioning of new production systems.

  1. Customer service hotline for immediate assistance by telephone.
  2. Modem-supported fault localization within 24 hours together with your technical staff. A stable infrastructure (telephone, internet) at the end customer's plant is required.
  3. Deployment of specialized service technicians on site within 48 hours. Availability of appropriate spare parts, visa and vaccinations for the destination country is assumed.
  4. In times of Pandemics, we are dependent on the current country-specific travel information and current travel warnings. Please consider the special entry and exit rules.


Our partner companies are also on hand to provide you with timely and local support.

Your contact to FAMIX

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